Cada Bricks September Release: Master Supercar C61042W

Cada Bricks September Release: C61042W Italian Super Car
The first CaDA Master series set C61041W has received a lot of attention in international building bricks community. A young and talended Moc designer from Holland - T-Lego, came out with pretty good looking super car model. Since that time CaDA Bricks fans were anticipating what will be the next Master series set. And here we are, ready and proud to announce the second of the CaDA Master series the C61042W Italian Super Car.
Basic Information
Pieces: 3187
Scale: 1:8
Size of the model: 52*25*13cm
Version: motorized version only. In the box you will find the power system (the transmitter, the battery box, two L size motors and two servos).
The set is a creation of Bruno J, a Moc designer from Germany, who is famous within the international building bricks community. In 2018 with his original build of the McLaren Moc.
Bruno J Youtube Channel: Bruno Jenson
CaDA Bricks and Bruno J's cooperation has resulted a unique model in motorized version. This model not only looks awesome but also has quite a few features that bring in hours of playability after the build is finished.
The Italian Supercar C61042W
Let us have a closer look at the Italian Super Car C61042W.
The Italian Supercar comes in an exquisite box that is a piece of art on its own.
Inner Boxes
The pieces are packed into 6 numbered boxes which, when put together in the right order, reflect the supercar's aggressive front grille.
C61042W Instrutions
You will also find a multi-colored and beautifully illustrated instruction booklet together with the designer's self introduction.
The sticker are a combination of good quality material with clear printing thus, creating a unique and satisfying building experience for the final model.
Building C61042W
The Super Car consists of 3187 pieces and comes together with the power system pack. The chassis is built from 3 basic modules with stunning bodywork on the top. The building steps are easy to follow, thanks to the well-thought structure and design.
Guess what? You will not find blue pins that were criticized by many CaDA fans, as they are now replaced with black pins. These definitely have a stylish impact on the overall look of the Super Car.
Examining the Italian Supercar C61042W
The model itself is an awesome 1:8 scale replica which every collector should have on their shelf. Beautiful and realistic exterior details are:
Opening Elements
C61042W features great playability with a manually opening bonnet, engine hood, glove box and doors. To bring more playability, Bruno J has added well thought functional door locks.
Suspensions & V8 Engine
Two additional great features are the independent front and rear suspensions and the detailed V8 engine sitting at the back of the model.
As the C61042W comes in motorized version, this is great news for those who would like to take the car for a spin. Remote control allows controlling driving, steering and LED lights but the coolest thing is the remote control allows for a 4-speed sequential gearbox.
No, the list is not over yet! There are more features to mention!
You will also be able to see all the moving parts in action without even touching the Super Car: engine pistons, steering wheel, shift paddles and gear indicator.
And the there is the icing on the cake!
To make the Super Car drive faster, we have added new S059 power system two L size motors and two servos which are double in power and speed when compared with the S054 power elements.
Summarizing C61042W
This Super Car model definitely appeals to both: the collectors as well as building bricks fans who not only like to build but also play. Each detail of the Italian Super Car is an accurate reflection of why the fans are waiting so eagerly for this Master set. Motorized building bricks fans will find many stunning features which will take their breath away. The accurate depiction of the model makes this set a true dream for any building bricks Super Car collector.
Rounding all of these amazing features, C61042W is simply a master piece by Bruno J.