How does Cada do it? So many printed tiles for a set this size is unheard of. And the wheels are printed one piece! This is an awesome model and the best F1 currently out there for this size. Dare I say Cada is equal if not better than Lego with its new models. So worth the money.
For my money a very nice set, great prints and quality of parts. I recommend this kit to all F1 fans
I was very surprised by the great quality and Details of the Set. Proportion, Prints, everything is very well done and a true benchmark for the price.
My highlight are the Tires and Rims. Absolutely stunning.
A Perfect addition to my collection. I just wish F1 would do all the Cars with CADA, and not the 🇩🇰 Competitior.
CADA sets the benchmark for all the smaller scale cars now with Price, Quality and Accuracy.
Well done.
I found parts of the build to be fragile (the base of the car). I liked the fact that there were no stickers because parts were printed, and that it could be built as either Bottas' or Zhou's. Easy to assemble. Had 3 missing pieces and had to wait 2.5 weeks to get them.
I actually would have quite liked this set as it is all printed pieces, but on the front wing, I got two of the printed piece sets for one side instead of one for each side, like I should have. I have tried to request a replacement but it doesn’t show up on the page where I select the piece I need. I have tried to contact the company thru the chat twice and have heard nothing back. Needless to say I am not happy. I have included. Photo where the wrong part is visible.
This set by CaDa is setting the standard for doing it right from every perspective. NO stickers, right size front/rear tires, great build quality and not a single weak connetion. Hopefully they keep the prices reasonable and affordable for us moving forward.
The best brick car on the market in this scale by far!!
There is nothing to complain about, worth every cent and a nice building experience.
But without place for minifig
Nice size F1 racecar
LEGO compatible