I did alot of work to this set, I replaced the rotary with a 5cyl and put the engine in the back and a 6 speed transmission where
the engine used to be
Got it very fast from WaveRC. Fast shipping!
The set is just a masterpiece and very solid build. Building experience was great. I got some struggle while building it but after all the set is done.
I needed to fix the suspension because the car was too heavy for it. I recommend to watch a youtube video that explain you how (write ''fix suspension for Bugatti Chiron Set''). The process is the same to fix it.
I recommend you the set because its just a nice piece to your collection ;)
Kacper Skowron
Was a fun and enjoyable build no missing parts and everything worked as it should
This is the perfect set...
Amazing, it looks so good;)
Give me some Toyota or Lexus please !!
Totally Petarda
After building many 1:8 cars, this would have to be the best thus far. It was a great build and extremely sturdy and tough. The electrification of the motors etc was perfect with no pieces missing. CaDA did a great job with this model and nothing has come close to the design, make and style of the RX 7. Well done and highly recommend this build to anyone who likes to make dynamic model cars. Once again, great car, price and look CaDA.
Regards, Anthony Parsonage
CaDA Mazda RX-7 C61502W
Hello, in my opinion is the best set ever. Lego McLaren is behind this set. total awesome and first class quality. I Waiting for Harvester from Eric Trcks Design.