The toy broke in less than 24 hours and they suggested to repair it myself, I requested a new one but they rejected it. Look the conversation with customer support.
It's fantastic and powerful. My 6 year old son and nearly 4 year old daughter love it. It's very good for hand eye coordination. It's definitely easier for our 6 year old to control. The dumper is better for the 4 year old.
The only thing I was not happy about at all was the postage. We had to pay 60chf in import fees because of our "remote" address, which is ridiculous because we live 10 mins from a main road and receive post every day with no trouble. I was really disappointed in this.
Отличный , функциональный , почти как настоящий. Единственная проблема - не найти запчастей. Сломалась стрела от падения с большой высоты
Very good quality